Zeon Healthcare News

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Product Review – FrezyDerm Hair force Monodoses

A clinically proven treatment that acts fast.

Thinning hair for both men and women can lead to stress and anxiety. There are few products that are proven to work. 

We have partnered with FrezyDerm to bring effective and clinically proven hair loss products to the U.K.

Hair force Monodoses can be used for visible and fast results. It provides an intensive hair loss treatment, suitable for both men and women.  As with other therapies, a combination pack including all products required for an effective outcome will assure the best source of treatment.

You can find Hair Force products by clicking here.

Friday, 21 September 2012

National Eye Health Week: Five Fighting Foods for the Eyes

Eating a balanced diet containing the right vitamins and nutrition can assist in the maintenance of healthy vision. In essence professionals would recommend any food bright in colour to be ideal in battling against vision impairment. 

We all remember the days when our parents would pester us to eat as many carrots as possible-well they were right to do so.  Hidden in those bright orange vegetables are beta carotenes - an antioxidant that helps reduce the risk of macular degeneration.  Simply adding carrots into salads and soups or making a dip out of them is an effortless way ensure an intake of high levels of vitamin A.

The brightest fruit yet!! As well as its rich colour; the tomato is also rich in vitamin C and Iycopene, two important eye nutrients. What’s great about this fruit is that it can be used in almost every meal, either as a side salad or an ingredient to many dishes, therefore an easy nutrition for you to add to your diet.

Banquet of B’s
Broccoli, bell peppers and Brussels sprouts provide the best source of vitamin C. Vitamin C is another key antioxidant shown specifically to protect the eyes .  All it takes is a little time to stream or roast these veggies; to ensure you have the right vitamin C’s required in a complete diet.

The most powerful food to contain the largest number of vitamins and nutrition’s comes in a form of an egg.  Eggs are an excellent sources of vitamin A, zinc, lutein, lecithin and vitamin D all significantly important eye nutrients.

By no surprise fish is known to be rich in omega 3 fatty acids, which goes without saying is one of the most important foods for maintaining overall eye health. Research indicates that regularly eating foods high in omega-3 fats can help protect tiny blood vessels buried within the eyes. On occasions replacing a delicious fish as a substitute for meat, preferably 2 to 3-4 times a week can benefit your eyes as well as improve your general health. 

National Eye Health Week is this week!
For more information visit Vision Matters

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

National Eye Health Week: Five Ways to Fight off Blindness

Avoiding the one thing that comes naturally with age can leave you feeling helpless and full of anxiety. Deteriorating vision can have an impact in both your personal and social life, affecting not only everyday living but friends and family around you. Although Age-Related Macular Denegation has no medical cure, preventing the onset of vision impairment or blindness is possible by following some simple rules.

Eat Healthy
A healthy balanced diet containing a wide variety of fruit and vegetables can not only benefit your overall health, but may also help keep the retina healthy. Diets rich in lutein and zeaxanthin can help restore meso-zeaxanthin in the macula to help maintain a healthy eye.

Alcohol Consumption
Keeping tight guards on alcohol consumption is essential for general health, but even more important for AMD. Heavy alcohol consumption can be associated with an increased risk of early AMD, thereby restricting yourself to the recommended daily alcohol limits of 3-4 units for men and 2-3 units for women is crucial.

Stop Smoking
Smokers are four times more likely at risk of developing age-related macular degeneration compared to non-smokers. Past smokers are also three times at risk of suffering from severe loss of vision.

Get Moving
Surprisingly enough exercise can help with the maintenance of good sight.  Research suggests that regular exercise may reduce the risk of vision loss which can occur from high blood pressure, diabetes and narrowing or hardening of the arteries.

Protect the Eyes
Starring directly towards the sun can be extremely damaging to the eye - doing so can cause irreversible damage to your eye sight and possibly lead to blindness.  Additionally wearing sunglasses or wide brimmed hat can help protect your eyes from UV rays.

National Eye Health Week is this week!
For more information visit Vision Matters

Monday, 17 September 2012

National Eye Health Week: Five Facts of Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) Exposed

AMD is a progressive and chronic disease that has the potential to affect as many as 20 million people in the UK, it has already become the leading cause of vision loss in the developed world.  People suffering with AMD experience diminished central vision - vision generally used for seeing straight ahead and for performing common daily tasks such as reading and driving. In some cases AMD progresses slowly giving people the chance to notice the slight change in their vision, in others, the disease progresses rapidly possibly leading to blindness.

Types of AMD
There are two types of AMD - Wet and Dry. Wet AMD is the advanced stage of the disease and accounts for only 10% of AMD cases. The most common cases seen in the UK are those of Dry AMD, the early stage of the disease which occurs when the light sensitive cells in the macula slowly break down, gradually blurring central vision.

Risk factors of AMD
Risk factors of AMD consist of age, genetics, dietary and other environmental factors. The most obvious yet greatest risk factor is age: a person’s risk of developing AMD typically begins to rise after the age of 50. However people wearing glasses and showing signs of visual impairment may also be at a higher risk. Cigarette smokers also pose a significant risk for AMD.

Symptoms of Dry AMD
The most evident symptom of dry AMD is blurred vision. Another common sign that may appear less obvious is the presence of drusens - yellow deposits under the retina that may be debris from deteriorating tissue, yet no vision loss or problem is detected.

Impact of Dry AMD
AMD sufferers do not suffer alone.  Patients, families and society as a whole are impacted by the devastating effects AMD can cause.  The quality of life and the ability to perform simple daily activities can become difficult, resulting into stress and possibly the cause of social isolation. 

Dry AMD Treatment
Unfortunately while there is no proven medical treatment to cure Dry AMD per se, in such circumstances prevention is vital and can hinder any further progress of Dry AMD.  According to the Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS) -a specific high-dose formulation of antioxidant and zinc notably reduces the risk of advanced AMD and associated vision loss in some patients.  New research conducted indicates nutrients such as lutein, zeaxanthin and meso-zeaxanthin play a significant role in preventing AMD progression. 

National Eye Health Week Starts today...
For more information visit Vision Matters

Thursday, 30 August 2012

Five Ways to Avoid Fungal Nail Infections!

As summer comes to an end, it’s time to pack away the sandals and hide those feet until the sun rises again. 

However oblivious to the eye is the danger toes face hidden away in the winter season - cold, ice, snow and the wet weather can affect the feet in such a way, that neglecting them should no longer be an option.

So how does winter cause nail infections I hear you say! It's common sense really. During the summer months our efforts are focused on making our feet look as presentable as possible as we prepare for the flip flops and sandals. Considerable care is taken - feet and toes are regularly cleansed, moisturised and clipped - lowering the risk of an infection taking place.

Ahhhhh!! That’s right you’ve guessed it. Summer ends and so does our commitment to looking after our precious, overworked feet.

So here are 5 simple ways to help avoid nail infections:
Sensible Shoes
Try to avoid purchasing shoes that are too tight, this can damage a toe nail leading to a risk of a nail infection. (Tip: shop for shoes at the end of the day when your feet are swollen after a long day - this ensures a comfortable fit for your feet even at their worst).

Synthetic Socks
Fungi multiply in moist, dark and warm environments - explaining why nail infections are more common in toe nails in contrast to finger nails. Synthetic socks help absorb moisture making it an ideal inner layer with a thicker outer sock to keep you warm.

Manage Manicures and Pedicures
Going to a nail salon and getting in contact with equipment used on others can be dangerous. A thorough anti-bacterial wash following a manicure / pedicure will ensure bacteria is killed, lowering any risk of germs entering the nail bed. Poorly fitted acrylics can also encourage germs to sneak in between - especially if the fake nail is not secured to the natural nail correctly, so keep them neat and clean.

Foot Protection
Many of us overlook the health risk of sharing facilities at the gym and pools. Using a gymnasium or public swimming pool without any foot protection opens the opportunity for germs to enter the nail bed, consequently causing a nail infection. Never walk around bare foot, be sure to pack a pair of flip flops and anti-fungal spray.

Nail Biting Nightmare
A bad habit of nail biting not only damages the appearance of the nail but can also ruin the overall health of your fingernails. Nail biting results to rips, tears and bleeding of the skin, surrounding the nail - Opening up the nail bed invites the germs to penetrate through the surrounding skin causing the risk of a infection.

Check out our "Solutions For Hands & Feet" section for products that can help keep your hands, feet and nails healthy and looking their best!

Thursday, 16 August 2012

Sports stars may be at risk announces ZEON Healthcare

As the warm season approached, naturally the time had come to shape up for summer & get more involved with fun team activities. Gym memberships were made, pre-training began and outdoor sports became a trend once again. In essence a great workout and athletic games should have provided a sense of  health and wellbeing– but unfortunately hidden skin deep are germs that can potentially contradict the healthy element.
Getting involved in sports and fitness may entail sharing changing facilities with others, a risk of injury to the nails, sweaty feet or contaminated shoes– all of which are common risk factors in developing athletes foot.
Athletes foot affects a wide population from young teenagers to the late middle aged, with at least 21% of the UK population suffering from this problem (Novartis Consumer Health)– not to anyone’s surprise those involved in sports are more likely to be affected. Fungus, bacteria and viruses can all cause severe athletes foot, also known as a foot infection– not dealt with quickly, the infection can spread to toe nails causing them to become yellow, dry and crumbly.
Foot infections alone can cause discomfort and look extremely unpleasant as dry and flaky rashes form on the bottom or side of the feet. Scratching  the infected skin prior to touching other parts of the body can further spread the infection– therefore care is required.
ClearZal BAC & ClearZal Foot Cleanser has been specifically launched to kill 99.9% of germs that may cause infections as well as safe guarding the feet from further infections. The unique formula used in both products contains a powerful anti-fungal ingredient designed to kill ALL fungus, bacteria and viruses which may cause infections including athletes foot.
ClearZal BAC and ClearZal Foot Cleanser together combined provides a great foot care regime to help kill and keep away foot and nail infections.
Christian Hankins, ZEON Healthcare spokesman said “Those most at risk of contracting a nail infection are the elderly and people who participate in sports and outdoor activities. Sweat creates the perfect breeding ground for fungus, bacteria and viruses, making the development of both Athlete’s foot and nail infections much more likely... ClearZal® BAC kills all of the germs which may cause nail infections. It should be part of everyone’s daily foot care regime, particularly those at risk, to ensure a nail infection never develops.”

Available to purchase at http://www.zeonhealthcare .com

ClearZal- The Clear Solution for Healthy Feet & Nails

Read more: http://www.digitaljournal.com/pr/839972#ixzz23iN9U9qb

Thursday, 2 August 2012

Salons can lead to a trip to the doctors reports ZEON Healthcare

Perfect polished manicures completes the overall look of hands and feet. 

A quick trip down to the nail salon has not only become a trend to treat oneself but now where image is everything, a necessity. But what happens when a necessity becomes a threat?

One cannot imagine how many customers visit a nail salon in a weekly period– most of which receive a similar service. Nails are cut & filed, hands and feet are soaked in tubs, cuticles are pushed back and trimmed and calluses are removed.

As expected, the same equipment makes contact with limitless number of customers on a daily basis– but how often, if at all does a nail technician disinfect these miracle working tools?

More than any other part of the human body, the hands make the most physical contact in
everyday life, causing the hands to be the first to capture germs. So it is of no wonder why when visiting a nail salon, the risk of germs spreading is higher as hidden microorganisms travel from manicure kits to a customers nail bed.

Once a nail is infected it can take up to 10 months for a new healthy nail to grow back and
replace the infected nail. That is to say 10 months of yellowy– green discoloured and brittle nails that can only look visually repulsive and unattractive.

Killing germs that may cause nail infections should be considered before infections take control!

Krystal Clean Nail is designed to kill 99.9% of fungus, bacteria and viruses -all germs that may cause nail infections. The solution is formulated to effectively allow the nails to be free from germs whilst keeping the hands and feet looking beautiful– as unlike some other products, Krystal Clean Nails can be used with the acrylic nails and nail vanish.

The 29ml clear solution comes with a buffer nail file to complete the look of beautiful nails as well as keeping them strong and healthy using powerful ingredients:

  • Benzalkonium Chloride– Kills 99.9% of germs.
  • Aloe Vera-Conditions & locks in moisture.
  • Urea– Hydrates and smoothes the surrounding skin.

A last touch, pocket size solution to prevent a visit to a salon from becoming a trip to the doctors. The Krystal Clear solution for healthy nails.

For more information, images and samples contact Saher Dogar:
P:01869 342154

Friday, 20 July 2012

Protect Your Vision & See the Future– Defeat Age Related Macular Degeneration

Loss of vision is one of the largest distressing symptoms of ageing– loss of independence, effects on emotional health and the inability to participate in chosen activities are just a few of the common consequences one faces when suffering from visual impairment.

Recent Government Statistics show that the life expectancy in the UK is predicted to increase in the coming years– in correlation the number of cases of blindness is likely to take its toll as the population in the UK ages.
Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of blindness in the UK, with almost 50% of cases in the UK diagnosed as AMD. The condition comes in two forms both wet and dry– however dry AMD is the most common and highly prevalent in people 50+.

AMD is the loss of central vision in the eye, to the extent that an individual only has peripheral vision remaining which limits their ability to complete certain activities. Maintaining the macula of the eye can help prevent loss of vision, hence lowering the risk of blindness dramatically. In essence the macula of the eye should consist of Lutein, Zeaxanthin and Meso-Zeaxanthin in order for it to remain healthy– but unfortunately as one ages the body is unable to produce these carotenoids as effectively, therefore causing the vision to deteriorate.

Supplements are available in the market to help support and maintain eye health and supply the right nutrition for the macular. Most commonly used supplements in the market ONLY help restore Lutein and Zeaxanthin , whereby the Lutein found from the diet is then converted into Meso-Zexanthin. However not all patients are able to make this conversion, hence making such supplements ineffective.

For further information on AMD visit http://www.macushield.com
Also available to purchase from http://www.zeonhealthcare.com

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

A Step Forward as Success Continues– The Story of ZEON Healthcare


Surviving in such economic conditions is by far the most daunting experience for any business.  Operational spending cuts within organisations are made as consumer spending decreases– but for a small company in Upper Heyford, Oxford, this was the perfect time to invest in a new business establishment.

After witnessing the worst company failures due the economic downturn, worries arose for small businesses all across the UK.  Almost 27,000 businesses including major retailers were forced to close down as the recession first  hit the UK back in 2008-since then not much has changed. Major companies are still struggling with the impact the recession has had on consumer buying habits and are forced to keep spending budgets to a minimum, but not for ZEON Healthcare.

The  small pharmaceutical company first began their venture back in 1997. Starting from a small partner run business, selling  dermatological products and sunscreens direct to consumers—the company began to see great success  within the first few years. Wasting no time, the pair set off building alliances with major health and beauty retailers such as Boots and Superdrug in 1999.

As expected, the huge volume of sales and the expansion of the business led the partners to take on more staff hence the requirement for new headquarters. As the years progressed , the company grew– introducing new brands and extended their product lines  year on year– at which point  finding a bigger business establishment was crucial in order to provide quality and efficient services not only to customers but all involved in the running of the business.

The company moved again in 2004 to the Cherwell Innovation Centre in Upper Heyford, where business increased dramatically. Despite the threat of recession , due to strong relationships with suppliers and a positive brand positioning, ZEON Healthcare even as a small organisation with a workforce of 8 are surviving the economic crisis.

The great success of ZEON Healthcare has now opened a new chapter for the company. Having launched a new beauty line early this year, the expansion has once again given ZEON Healthcare an excuse to further invest in  a new 
administrative centre and are continuing their profitable
journey in Weston-on-the-Green, Oxford.

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Frezyderm - The New Generation of Cosmetics

Wednesday 6th June 2012

Reduce the risk of cancer, whilst looking young– the new generation of cosmetics.

Growing old is something everyone must experience– it‟s part of human life. Greying hair, loss of sight and ageing skin are just a few of the symptoms suggesting that youth is diminishing . Reducing the appearance of ageing is an option– now delaying the appearance of ageing can also be an alternative.

Living in a city or any urban area can severely damage skin cells causing the appearance of wrinkles. Urban environmental damage is a common cause of ageing– the human skin is particularly sensitive to urban pollution –as the pollution produces radicals, the free radicals accelerate ageing causing damage to the skin.

As the skin ages there is a sudden rush to purchase expensive anti-ageing creams that can only help cover and reduce the appearance of wrinkles– so, unless Botox is affordable, nothing is younger look-ing than wrinkle free skin. Sunscreen protection is designed to protect the skin from all environmental factors that may cause skin damage– unfortunately many forget the extent of benefits a sunscreen provides and only purchase sunscreens as soon as the sun is predicted to come out.

The Sunscreen Velvet with its revolutionary technology (second skin technology) constitutes an invisible „guardian angel‟ layer to the skin, leaving it feeling velvet smooth, whilst protecting it against solar radiation– making it ideal for use as a foundation base, but with the ultimate protection from damaging UVA-ageing rays that may cause the risk of skin cancer.

The new generation of sunscreen by Frezyderm provides all year round protec-tion along with masking away any damage already caused to the skin.

Frezyderm Sunscreen Velvet not only caters for the basic demands of protection and moisturising, but is specially formulated to help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and give the skin a non-greasy, flawless finish.

This exceptional Greek brand, well established in Europe was introduced in the UK by ZEON healthcare, a dermoceutical –pharmaceutical company providing the world‟s outstanding brands , such as a leading sunscreen brand the sun mousse®, available in Boots and online.

As the skin damages so does the younger appearance. Skin defines age– its never too late to protect the skin from ageing with FrezyDerm.

“Extend Your Sun Protection Limits”

For more information, images and samples contact Saher Dogar:

Monday, 14 May 2012

MacuShield® News: Grand Opening of a Vision Research Centre

The Macular Pigment Research Group (MPRG), a multi-disciplinary team comprising of vision scientists, nutritionists, biochemists, statisticians, optometrists, and ophthalmologists finally opened the long awaited  
€4 million Vision Research Centre, based in Waterford, Ireland.

Amongst some of world’s well known eye specialists, MacuShield® were also one of the privileged companies to attend the grand opening of the Waterford Institution of Technology’s Vision Research Centre. The state-of-the art centre led by Dr. John Nolan and Professor Stephen Beatty is the only one of its kind in the world, bringing together a range of the most advanced vision testing equipment, allowing the team of 10 full time researchers to measure vision at a super-sensitive level.

MacuShield® hope to use this relationship to find new scientific research and studies based on the role of eye nutrition for vision and prevention of blindness, giving scope for further development of products offered by MacuShield®.

ZEON healthcare are the official distributor of MacuShield® in the U.K.

For more information, email enquiries@zeonhealthcare.com or call 0845 8123400

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

PRESS RELEASE: Potentially damaging Zinc Oxide used in sunscreens – the sun mousse® is Zinc Oxide free!  

Recent findings suggest the risk of cancer is increased when using products containing Zinc Oxide.  Selecting the right sunscreen,  is now more difficult than ever–  the sun mousse® is the answer.

Zinc Oxide is a widely used ingredient in most sunscreens. It acts as a physical block from harmful UVA and UVB rays. Not only does a recent study suggest that this compound is harmful, but it also sits on the skin leaving a sticky and greasy residue!

Unlike many other sunscreens  the sun mousse® is specially formulated to help protect the skin from damaging UVA and UVB rays, without the use of Zinc Oxide. Popular amongst major health and beauty retailer Boots, the sun mousse® has  fast established itself as a leader in the sunscreen market. Now with concerns that Zinc Oxide could be a significant threat to your skin’s health– the sun mousse® is sure to be the popular choice for the whole family!

the sun mousse® is available in SPF 20, SPF 30, SPF 30 for Kids and now SPF 50 and SPF 50 for kids.  the sun mousse® contains Octocrylene and  Polysilicone sun filters, to help protect you and your loved one’s from UVA and UVB rays. All variants allow your skin to breathe normally, reducing the risk of prickly heat!

Christian Hankins, Brand Manager of the sun mousse® claims “the sun mousse® is truly unique, not just because it’s a mousse but because it is rapidly absorbed into the secondary layer of the skin. This means the skin breath’s normally reducing the chances of getting prickly heat. Crucially, the sun mousse® contains the latest in sun protection technology. I truly believe the sun mousse® is the best way to protect the whole family.”

Friday, 20 April 2012

Best Practice Award Winners for 2012

Once again, a great night for Specsavers as Specsavers-Hartlepool took home the award for the “Best Multiple Practice Award” at the Opticians Award 2012, held in London last Saturday. Facing one nominee against the ever so popular Boots Opticians and the other two against Specsavers Sutton in Ashfield and Teignmouth, Specsavers no doubt had it in the bag. Sponsoring the award for the “Best Multiple Practice Award” were MacuShield®, a leading eye supplement brand offering solutions for the increasing Age-related Macular Degeneration.

Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is the biggest cause of blindness in the western world (responsible for 50% of blindness in the U.K.) MacuShield® is recommended by over 70% of Opticians and Eye Health Professionals in the U.K. and is clinically proven. For more information, go to www.macushield.co.uk

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Featured Product: ClearZal® Foot Cleanser

ClearZal® Foot Cleanser is fast becoming the most popular choice for people combating Athlete's Foot.

Kills 99.9% of the fungus, bacteria and viruses that may cause foot infections, including Athlete's Foot.

With Benzalkonium Chloride, a broad spectrum biocide, ClearZal® Foot Cleanser is ideal for use in communal areas such as gyms, spas and communal swimming pools as well as day to day use at home.

Tea Tree Oil is also contained within the formula.

ClearZal® Foot Cleanser cleans and refreshes your feet. It also deodorises your feet when used regularly.

ClearZal® Foot Cleanser can help soothe and relieve itchy skin on your feet.

RRP: £7.30 (Generous 232ml bottle) - Available in our online store.

ClearZal® Foot Cleanser - The Clear Solution for Healthy Feet!

Monday, 20 February 2012

Dame Judi Dench Diagnosed with Age Related Macular Degeneration

Those diagnosed with AMD is set to rise to well over 650,000 by 2020. Age related Macular Degeneration is the biggest cause of blindness in the U.K. and the whole of the Western World!

Dame Judi Dench has been talking openly and honestly with the Daily Mirror about her plight with AMD. 

You can read about the article here. 

20,000,000 people are thought to be at risk in the U.K. and published scientific evidence suggests that taking action before signs of AMD are detected is recommended.

MacuShield® is a once a day supplement, uniquely containing all three of the caretonoids found in the macula. MacuShield® is clinically proven to improve macular health. MacuShield® is now recommended by over 70% of Opticians and Eye Health Professionals. For more information you can email enquiries@zeonhealthcare.com

MacuShield® is available from Boots, Boots Opticians, independent pharmacies everywhere and online.

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Beat Hair Loss with Hair force by Frezyderm – New to the UK!

Hair Loss - The Facts!
Age related - we are all living longer
In men primarily genetically inherited androgenic alopecia or male pattern baldness
Hair loss in men starts in their 20’s & 30’s caused by the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterne (DHT)
And 40% of post menopausal women show signs of loss by their 50’s and 60’s
With loss generally at the front and of top of the scalp, with unaffected growth behind

Keep ahead of hair loss!
Our appearance matters
Weak hair, stress, poor circulation, heredity, and age are all factors which contribute to hair loss
There are countless products but few are proven
But our hair demands greater care than most of the rest of our body - that is the gap in the market.
Hair force - a scientifically proven range of products designed to rectify hair loss and restore growth

The Range
A specialist range of products designed for men and women
Hair force Shampoo for men
Hair force Shampoo for women
Hair force Strength Mask
Hair force Lotion
Hair force Monodoses

Specifically designed to prevent Male Hair Loss
Neutral pH
Fights Hair Loss by enhancing Hair Growth - reduces the ageing process of hair follicles by improving cellular oxygen, increasing metabolism, scalp circulation and inhibiting hair loss caused by male hormones and enzymes.
Use 3 times a week for 4 months
Shampoo as usual but leave for 4 minutes before rinsing off
Routine usage will provide the best results

Specifically designed to prevent Female Hair Loss
Neutral pH
Decelerates Hair Loss by Enhancing Hair Growth, protects the hair from damage which can weaken its structure.
Use 3 times a week for 4 months
Shampoo as usual but leave for 4 minutes before rinsing off
... See the results after regular usage

For use in combination with Hair force Shampoo for Men and Women.
Detangles and protects hair, activates cellular metabolism, nourishes hair follicles, restructures and reinforces hair fibres.
Apply the solution, massage into the scalp to become a mask and leave for 5 minutes before rinsing off.
Use 1-2 times weekly
For the best visible results use regularly

Use in combination with Hair force shampoo for Men and Women and all other Hair force products.
Hair force Lotion – Extra is enriched with energetic cell revitalisers , combats hair loss and reinforces hair growth by providing protection to the hair follicle and its bulb
Spray and massage into the scalp to revitalise and nourish the hair follicle
Do not rinse off for day long activity

A Day and Night combination pack for 24 hour hair loss therapy
Day: increases cellular oxygenisation, increases cell metabolism, nourishes hair follicles, controls hormonal induced hair loss.
Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory actions to help enhance scalp microcirculation.
Night: combats hair loss, stimulates hair follicle proliferation leading to hair growth.
Regulates the stages of baldness by development of longer and thicker hair shaft growth whilst providing increased scalp microcirculation and nutrients leading to hair growth enhancement.
Use morning and night 3 days a week
Regular weekly usage bring visible results

Why Hair force?
Hair force is the perfect range of solutions for healthy, vibrant hair growth
Scientifically proven to provide outstanding results
Paraben Free
Dermatologically tested
Suitable and developed for use by Men and Women

Hair force – Where to buy!
Hair force is being exclusively sold by our friends at Sunshine Health (01453 751395)

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

MacuShield & Age Related Macular Degeneration

Check out this superb video on Age Related Macular Degeneration and how supplements like MacuShield® can help.

Friday, 27 January 2012

the sun mousse® - an exciting new launch!

Here at the sun mousse® HQ, we have an exciting announcement to make!

From Spring this year, we will be introducing the sun mousse® SPF 50 range! We have been working on this for some time now, and we are very proud of the results. 

Offering fantastic protection from the sun's harmful rays, the sun mousse® SPF 50 range ensures you can have more fun in the sun! We believe in the importance of getting out in the sunshine and of course, going on holiday. So, we have developed the sun mousse® SPF 50, the sun mousse® SPF 50 for kids and the sun mousse® SPF 50 sports, for ultimate protection from the sun's harmful rays - Have More Fun in the Sun!

Why choose the sun mousse®?

  • Absorbs quickly into the skin
  • Non sticky
  • Doesn't leave a residue
  • Doesn't block pores, allowing the skin to breathe (Makes side effects, such as prickly heat much less likely!)
  • Anti-ageing UVA/UVB protection
  • Water resistant
  • Fun and easy to apply
  • Fragrance Free
  • Suitable for all skin types

We will update you when the sun mousse® SPF 50 range is available to buy! 
Also available in the sun mousse® range (to buy now!):

  • the sun mousse® SPF 20
  • the sun mousse® SPF 30
  • the sun mousse® SPF 30 for kids
  • the sun mousse® aftersun
Available from Boots stores and online.

Let us know what you think! Email enquiries@zeonhealthcare.com

Safety Note:
Always enjoy the sun responsibly - cover up when necessary and wear a sun protection product suited to you and your skin!

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

ClearZal® PAIN Relieving Gel

At ClearZal® we are always thinking of how we can help people enjoy a better quality of life, with premium quality and affordable healthcare products.
ClearZal® PAIN relieving gel has been uniquely and specifically formulated for your feet and legs. By rubbing a thin layer onto the affected area, fast, cooling pain relief is brought.
Ideal for sports injuries, sore muscles, tendons and joints.
A favourite with the professionals!
ClearZal® PAIN Relieving Gel doesn’t stain clothing. When applied and massaged into the skin, it absorbs rapidly and does not leave a greasy residue on the skin.
The Clear Solution for Pain Relief.

Friday, 20 January 2012

Fancy joining the team at ZEON healthcare?

We are looking for a Marketing and Operations Assistant - could that be you?

The position involves working on our PR and TV campaigns with some of the world’s outstanding healthcare brands.

It’ll help if you’re someone who LOVES social media, and consider yourself a creative team player.

If you’re good fun and share our posh coffee habit, that’s a bonus!

We have partnered with the guys and gals at Glide FM, so go to the glidefm.co.uk website to apply.

The salary for this role will be £18,000 per annum.

You can also e-mail enquiries@zeonhealthcare.com if you have any questions about the vacancy.

Good Luck!

The ZEON healthcare team.