Zeon Healthcare News

Friday, 20 July 2012

Protect Your Vision & See the Future– Defeat Age Related Macular Degeneration

Loss of vision is one of the largest distressing symptoms of ageing– loss of independence, effects on emotional health and the inability to participate in chosen activities are just a few of the common consequences one faces when suffering from visual impairment.

Recent Government Statistics show that the life expectancy in the UK is predicted to increase in the coming years– in correlation the number of cases of blindness is likely to take its toll as the population in the UK ages.
Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of blindness in the UK, with almost 50% of cases in the UK diagnosed as AMD. The condition comes in two forms both wet and dry– however dry AMD is the most common and highly prevalent in people 50+.

AMD is the loss of central vision in the eye, to the extent that an individual only has peripheral vision remaining which limits their ability to complete certain activities. Maintaining the macula of the eye can help prevent loss of vision, hence lowering the risk of blindness dramatically. In essence the macula of the eye should consist of Lutein, Zeaxanthin and Meso-Zeaxanthin in order for it to remain healthy– but unfortunately as one ages the body is unable to produce these carotenoids as effectively, therefore causing the vision to deteriorate.

Supplements are available in the market to help support and maintain eye health and supply the right nutrition for the macular. Most commonly used supplements in the market ONLY help restore Lutein and Zeaxanthin , whereby the Lutein found from the diet is then converted into Meso-Zexanthin. However not all patients are able to make this conversion, hence making such supplements ineffective.

For further information on AMD visit http://www.macushield.com
Also available to purchase from http://www.zeonhealthcare.com

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