again, a great night for Specsavers as Specsavers-Hartlepool took home the
award for the “Best Multiple Practice Award” at the Opticians Award 2012, held
in London last Saturday. Facing one nominee against the ever so popular Boots
Opticians and the other two against Specsavers Sutton in Ashfield and
Teignmouth, Specsavers no doubt had it in the bag. Sponsoring the award for the
“Best Multiple Practice Award” were MacuShield®,
a leading eye supplement brand offering solutions for the increasing
Age-related Macular Degeneration.
Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is the biggest cause of
blindness in the western world (responsible for 50% of blindness in the U.K.)
MacuShield® is recommended by over 70% of Opticians and Eye Health
Professionals in the U.K. and is clinically proven. For more information, go to